A downloadable adventure

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Something has gone terribly wrong on the Rimor 89. Crew are failing to report for duty, strange sounds are echoing throughout the vessel, and it feels as though the ocean itself is trying to eat the submarine alive. Can the remaining crew figure out whats happening? Or will the Rimor 89 end up as yet another wreck on the ocean floor?


Alone In The Deep is designed for the easy to run Mothership RPG system (while being easy to convert to any other) and fits entirely on an a4 pamphlet. The adventures layout is designed around being easy to read and run at a glance, making it an ideal module for GM's of any experience level. 

This adventure can be used as a standalone oneshot or as part of an ongoing campaign.

You can find supplementary maps, translations, and other bits and bobs for this adventure over in my discord server: https://discord.gg/NvXdjMK5ZN


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Alone In The Deep - S.Murphy Games.pdf 4.9 MB
Alone In The Deep (Printable Black and White) - S.Murphy Games.pdf 3.8 MB

Development log


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Ran this recently - I'm a new Warden and this was my second time running a Mothership game and first time running a pamphlet adventure. It went really well!

The setting is so cool and the whole adventure is easy to run once you get going. The 'rooms flipping states' as the infestation progresses is super fun.

I changed a couple of things - mainly added a MedBay in the Lab, added an Airlock in the Armoury, and made pre-gen characters with roles on the sub (medic, navigator, assistant engineer, android underwater mining bot, etc.) with submarine-specific loadouts (changed things like Vaccsuit becomes SCUBAsuit).

Would love to run this again.


thank you for writing such an excellent adventure!! I just did a one shot with it and we had such a great time. https://buff.ly/3QsnHku


ooo, this is awesome! glad you enjoyed it.


A fun, calustrophobic mission for mothership. I played with Mothership 1e and a mix of newer and experienced players and everyone enjoyed it. 

Running it was easy with a well-laid out pamphlet that has the information that you need but with plenty of room for the warden to be creative in building an atmosphere. The infestation mechanic nicely raises the tension and keeps things feeling theatening as the players gradually realise what is happening. The monsters are scary, but don't tend to kill players instantly, which helped give the newer players time to come up with solutions. 

A few maps handouts are available in the creator's discord, which helped the players understand the submarine and navigate the space.


This is a great little module - the kind I can really sink my teeth into (hah.) Just a heads-up, I noticed there are two typos in the third paragraph of the splash text under the title. Both "recommend" and "helplessness" are misspelled. Otherwise, its got a great layout and I heartily commend your efforts here.
Thank you!!


The adventure is just great! I ran it four times already, and it always delivers. It's great to see how the players start working together, but then near the end when everything begins to get really desperate they start stabbing at each others' backs and try to run for their lives :D

I even had one group who could have managed managed to save the Rimor and survive: one of the PCs succeeded in closing the holes in the tank with the foam gun at the very final moments, but a couple of PCs, believing they were going to die, got on the pod leaving two grenades behind to stop the infection... and carrying with them the Uloch on the infested pod!

A great TPK!

So thank you for the adventure <3

Also, I'd like to ask you if I can translate it to Italian. It would be great!

Hell yeah dude, glad you've enjoyed it!!! as for an Italian translation: go for it 100%, I'd love to see it.

Great, thank you. As soon it is ready I'll pass you the link!

Here's the translation!

OmegaOM TV did a full actual play of this module! 


So the creature stats say HP: 2 Wounds... but how much health on each wound?

just 1!




Always recommend it as an a first introduction to Mothership. One of the best trifold around, thank you!


This looks great, I can't wait to play it! Would you be able to add a printer-friendly version? Thanks!

I've uploaded a printable black and white version to the page now!

Is this considered 1e compatible?

Yup! I ran all of my test games in 1st edition.


One of the best first adventure to Mothership, ideal to introduce the game to new players. Thank you so much!

Thank you!


Hi! My friend translated this wonderful adventure for his game. Can he share the translation result with our Mothership community? How is it convenient to do this?

Oh my gosh that's so cool!  
I'd be delighted for it to be shared! 
The easiest way to do it is probably to send a google drive/docs link to it in the comments here.


Thank you so much for the answer! I am very glad that you are not against publishing.
